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Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI)

OKLAHOMA STATE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (OSBI) - In the early 1920's, gangs of outlaws roamed the state terrorizing the citizens of many Oklahoma towns. These gangsters often escaped lawmen by fleeing across county lines. The U.S. Marshal's Service was the only law enforcement agency with statewide jurisdiction, but its officers were outnumbered by the bandits. In 1925, Governor M.E. Trapp recommended the creation of an agency of special investigators to combat the outlaws. As a result, the legislature appropriated $78,000 to establish the State Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, now known as the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
A year after its creation, the Bureau's three agents were credited with reducing the number of bank robberies in the state by 75 percent. Agents accomplished this impressive feat by developing leads while using informants - an investigative technique which was considered innovative by many experts across the nation. In 1939, the Bureau became a division of the Department of Public Safety and was renamed the State Crime Bureau. This arrangement lasted until 1957, when the Bureau was placed under the direct control of the Governor's Office and renamed the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI).
The OSBI remained under the Governor's direct control until the unthinkable occurred - the OSBI was called in to investigate the most powerful leader in the state. In the wake of the controversial investigation of then Governor David Hall, the agency was removed from the control of the Governor's Office. State leaders sought ways to reduce the political pressures left behind in the aftermath of the Hall investigation. In 1976, a seven member independent commission was created to oversee the activities of the OSBI. The makeup of the Commission includes: one chief of police, one sheriff, one district attorney, and four lay members. These members are appointed by the Governor and approved by the Oklahoma Senate to serve seven year staggered terms. In general, the commission appoints the Director, hears complaints, and serves as a buffer between the Bureau and potential political pressures concerning any particular investigations.
On September 11th, 2002, the OSBI became the first Oklahoma state law enforcement agency to be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement (CALEA).