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Cross, Orthodox

ORTHODOX CROSS - The Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox or Russian (Orthodox) Cross, also known as the Suppedaneum cross, is a variation of the Christian cross, commonly found in the Eastern Orthodox Churches, as well as the Eastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine rite, and used widely by groups to connote the Byzantine rite.
The cross has three horizontal crossbeams—the top one represents the plate which in the older Greek tradition is inscribed with a phrase based on John's Gospel "The King of Glory", but in later images it represents INRI, and the bottom one, a footrest. In many depictions, the side to Christ's right is higher. This is because the footrest slants upward toward the penitent thief St. Dismas, who was crucified on Jesus' right, and downward toward impenitent thief Gestas. It is also a common perception that the foot-rest points up, toward Heaven, on Christ’s right hand-side, and downward, to Hades, on Christ’s left. One of the Orthodox Church’s Friday prayers clearly explains the meaning: "In the midst, between two thieves, was Your Cross found as the balance-beam of righteousness; For while one was led down to hell by the burden of his blaspheming, the other was lightened of his sins unto the knowledge of things divine, O Christ God glory to You." Though commonly associated with the Russian Orthodox Church, this version is found also in the Greek and Serbian Orthodox churches, although other varieties are also common, including those with a straight footstool and one slanted in the opposite direction. Common variations include the "Cross over Crescent" and the "Calvary cross".
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