Improved Order of Red Men (IORM)

OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Improved Order of Red Men

IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN (IORM) - It is a non-profit organization devoted to inspiring a greater love for the United Sates of America and the principles of American Liberty.  The Improved Order of Red Men claims direct descent from the Sons of Liberty, noting that the Sons participated in the Boston Tea Party dressed as Native Americans. Thus, they continue to dress as Native Americans and are organized into tribes and such.  Like its organization, the Order ritual terminology is derived from language attributed to Native Americans, though it also shows the influence of Freemasonry. Outsiders are called "Palefaces", to open a meeting is called "kindling the fire", officers' installations are called "Raising up of Chiefs" and voting is called "twigging".  The Masonic influence is seen in the three basic degrees – Adoption, Warrior and Chief. There is also a fourth degree, Beneficiary, for insurance.

The Improved Order of the Red Men grew in membership in the late 19th century. It reached 519,942 members in forty-six states in 1921, but had declined to 31,789 in 32 states in 1978 and to 15,251 by 2011.  Until 1974, the Order was open to whites only. That year the 106th Great Council of the United States eliminated the all-white clause in what was called a "turning point for the order".

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OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, IORM