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Improved Order of Red Men (IORM)

IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN - The Improved Order of Red Men is a fraternal organization established in 1834. A patriotic society whose motto is Freedom, Friendship and Charity. T.O.T.E stands for Totem of the Eagle.
The fraternity traces its origins back to 1765 and is descended from the Sons of Liberty. These patriots concealed their identities and worked "underground" to help establish freedom and liberty in the early Colonies. They patterned themselves after the great Iroquois Confederacy and its democratic governing body. Their system, with elected representatives to govern tribal councils, had been in existence for several centuries.
After the War of 1812 the name was changed to the Society of Red Men and in 1834 to the Improved Order of Red Men. They kept the customs and terminology of Native Americans as a basic part of the fraternity. Some of the words and terms may sound strange, but they soon become a familiar part of the language for every member. The Improved Order of Red Men (IORM) is similar in many ways to other major fraternal organizations in the United States.
The Improved Order of Red Men is a national fraternal organization that believes in…
Love of and respect for the American Flag.
Preserving our Nation by defending and upholding the principle of free Government.
America and the democratic way of life.
Preserving the traditions and history of this great Country.
Creating and inspiring a greater love for the United States of America.
Helping our fellow men through organized charitable programs.
Linking our members together in a common bond of Brotherhood and Friendship.
Perpetuating the beautiful legends and traditions of a once-vanishing race and the keeping alive some of the traditional customs, ceremonies, and philosophies.
Legally, The Improved Order of Red Men is a patriotic fraternity chartered by Congress. It is a non-profit organization devoted to inspiring a greater love for the United States of America and the principles of American Liberty.
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