Pythian Sunshine Girls

OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Pythian Sunshine Girls

PYTHIAN SUNSHINE GIRLS -  The Sunshine Girls have been in existence since 1930 and is a junior order of the Pythian Sisters.  The purpose of the Sunshine Girls is to lay a foundation of purity, service and usefulness in all things that help to make the lives of those around us happier and the world a better place to live in.


  • To teach each girl that God is the very essence of our existence.
  • To teach that respect for their parents.
  • To love our Country.
  • To practice Friendship, Charity, Hope and to ever have Faith in all of God's children, seeing the good and trying to forget all that is unkind in people.

Their motto is "Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, to all the people you can."