
OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Wings

WINGS -  In Christianity they symbolize protection and shelter.  God protects man in the shadow of his wings (Psalms).  

(KJV Psalm 91:4) - "He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.” 

The symbol of lightness, spirituality, the possibility of flying and rising up to heaven.   Angels are the purest expression of winged spirit.  According to Hindus, wings are the expression of the freedom to leave earthly things behind as a result of contemplation and to reach Paradise.

In ancient Egypt, winged gods were protective gods.  They protected creatures, covering them with their wings, as well as surrounding walls, enclosures and temples which doors were adorned with a winged image of Amon-R.

In Greece, Hermes had winged heels, symbol of the traveler and the messenger, of dreams, of impulse, of movement.  The Greeks represented Love and Victory with wings.  According to Plato, wings represent Intelligence and Understanding.  That is the reason why they are associated with certain fabulous animals, such as Pegasus, representing the sublimation of the specific symbolism of the animal.

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OK, Grove, Headstone Symbols and Meanings, Wings