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United States Army 13th Armored Division (Black Cat)

U. S. ARMY 13TH ARMORED DIVISION (BLACK CAT) -  The division was activated on October 15, 1942 at Camp Beale, east of Marysville, California.  The 13th Armored, known as the Black Cats, landed at Le Havre, France, January 29, 1945.  After performing occupation duties, the Division moved to Homberg near Kassel to prepare for combat under the Third Army,  April 5th.  At Altenkirchen, it was attached to the XVIII Corps and prepared for the Ruhr Pocket operation. The attack jumped off at Honnef on April 10th.

United States Army 82nd Airborne Division (All-Americans)

U. S. ARMY 82ND AIRBORNE DIVISION (ALL-AMERICANS) -  The 82nd Airborne Division is an airborne infantry division of the United States Army, specializing in parachute assault operations into denied areas.   Based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, the 82nd Airborne Division is part of the XVIII Airborne Corps.  The 82nd Airborne Division is one of the U.S. Army's most strategically mobile formations.   Recently the 82nd Airborne has been conducting operations in Iraq.  The 82nd Airborne has been assigned to advise and assist Iraqi Security Forces.

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United States Army 173rd Airborne Brigade (Sky Soldiers)

U. S. ARMY 173RD AIRBORNE BRIGADE COMBAT TEAM (SKY SOLDIERS) - The 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team ("Sky Soldiers") is an airborne infantry brigade combat team of the United States Army based in Vicenza, Italy.  It is the United States European Command's conventional airborne strategic response force for Europe.  The logo symbolism: The bayonet is used to refer to the brigade being borne by the wing alludes to the brigade's airborne status.  Red, white and blue are the national colors.

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United States Army 17th Airborne Division (Golden Talon)

U. S. ARMY 17TH AIRBORNE DIVISION (GOLDEN TALON) -  The 17th Airborne Division was an airborne infantry division of the United States Army during World War II, and was commanded by Major General William M. Miley.  It was officially activated as an airborne division in April 1943 but was not immediately sent to a combat theater, remaining in the United States to complete its training.  

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United States Army 11th Airborne Division (Angels)

U. S. ARMY 11TH AIRBORNE DIVISION (ANGELS) -  The 11th Airborne Division ("Angels") was a United States Army airborne formation, first activated on February 25, 1943, during World War II.  Consisting of one parachute and two glider infantry regiments, with supporting troops, the division underwent rigorous training throughout 1943.

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United States Army 12th Armored Division (Hellcat)

U. S. ARMY 12TH ARMORED DIVISION (HELLCAT) - The 12th Armored Division was an armored division of the United States Army in World War II. It fought in the European Theater of Operations in France, Germany and Austria, between November 1944 and May 1945.  The German Army called the 12th Armored Division the "Suicide Division" for its fierce defensive actions during Operation Nordwind in France, and they were nicknamed the "The Mystery Division" when they were temporarily transferred to the command of the Third Army under General George S.

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United States Army 11th Armored Division (Thunderbolt)

U. S. ARMY 11TH ARMORED DIVISION (THUNDERBOLT) -  The 11th Armored Division (11 AD) was a division of the United States Army in World War II.  It was activated on August 15, 1942 at Camp Polk, Louisiana and moved on June 24, 1943 for the Louisiana Maneuvers.  Transferred then to Camp Barkeley, Texas on September 5, 1943, the division participated, beginning October 29, 1943, in the California Maneuvers and arrived at Camp Cooke California on February 11, 1944.

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United States Army 9th Armored Division (Phantom)

U. S. ARMY 9TH ARMORED DIVISION (PHANTOM) -  The 9th Armored Division (the "Phantom Division") was an armored division of the United States Army during World War II.  In honor of their World War II service, the 9th was officially nicknamed the "Phantom Division."  The division was activated on July 15, 1942 at Fort Riley, KS.   It reached the United Kingdom in September 1944.

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