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Church, Humanist (Emblem of Spirit)

HUMANIST CHURCH (EMBLEM OF SPIRIT) -   “Humanist” is used today to mean those who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs.  Humanism is an approach to life based on reason and our common humanity, recognizing that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone.  While atheism is merely the absence of belief, humanism is a positive attitude to the world, centered on human experience, thought, and hopes.

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CTB Special Meeting

At their October 27, 2016 regular meeting, due to the holidays, the CTB members voted to cancel the November 24, 2016 regular scheduled meeting and schedule a Special Meeting on December 8 at 2 p.m.  The Special Meeting will replace the November 24, 2016 and December 22, 2016 regular meetings.

Regular CTB Meeting Cancelled

At their October 27, 2016 regular meeting, due to the upcoming holidays, the CTB members voted to cancel the December 22, 2016 regular scheduled meeting and schedule a Special Meeting on December 8 at 2 p.m.  The Special Meeting will replace the November 24, 2016 and December 22, 2016 regular meetings.

Regular CTB Meeting Cancelled

At their October 27, 2016 regular meeting, due to the upcoming holidays, the CTB members voted to cancel the November 24, 2016 regular scheduled meeting and schedule a Special Meeting on December 8 at 2 p.m.  The Special Meeting will replace the November 24, 2016 and December 22, 2016 regular meetings.


HINDU -  Om (or Aum, ॐ) is the sacred sound symbol that represents Universe; the ultimate reality (Brahman).  It is prefixed and sometimes suffixed to all Vedic mantras and prayers.  Aum is often said to represent God in the three aspects of Brahma (A), Vishnu (U) and Shiva (M).

Cross, Greek

GREEK CROSS - The term Greek cross designates a cross with arms of equal length and resembles the plus sign.  One of the most common Christian forms, in common use by the 4th century.

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Cross, Serbian Orthodox

SERBIAN ORTHODOX CROSS -  The Serbian Orthodox Church is one of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox Christian churches.  It is the second oldest Slavic Orthodox Church in the world (after the Bulgarian Orthodox Church).

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Angel, Native American

NATIVE AMERICAN ANGEL -  Native American spiritual beliefs hold rich accounts of spirits or angels - that the dead live on and even visit us.  Death is typically viewed as a door into the next life, or world, and not something to be feared but embraced.

"We believe that the spirit pervades all creation and that every creature possesses a soul in some degree, though not necessarily a soul conscious to itself.  The tree, the waterfall, the grizzly bear, each is an embodied force, and as such an object of reverence." - Ohiyesa, Sioux 1902 (aka Charles Eastman)

Yin Yang

YIN YANG -  The yin-yang symbol holds its roots in Taoism/Daoism, a Chinese religion and philosophy.  The yin, the dark swirl, is associated with shadows, femininity, and the trough of a wave.  The yang, the light swirl, represents brightness, passion and growth.  

Trails End

THE END OF THE TRAIL (TRAILS END)  -  Is a sculpture by American-born artist James Earle Fraser, The End of the Trail has endured to become one of the most recognizable images in the United States.  Many people are familiar with this representation of an American Indian on horseback, but few actually know the history of the piece.

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