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Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)

FRATERNAL ORDER OF POLICE (FOP) -  According to the FOP; the five-cornered star tends to remind us of the allegiance we owe to our Flag and is a symbol of the authority with which we are entrusted. It is an honor the people we serve bestow upon us.  Midway between the points and center of the star is a blue field representative of the thin blue line protecting those we serve.  The points are of gold, which indicates the position under which we are now serving.  The background is white, the unstained color representing the purity with which we should serve.


FEATHERS -  In the Bible, feathers speak metaphorically of protection and loving care given to us by our Holy Father:

(KJV Ruth 2:12) - The Lord recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of theLord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.

(KJV Matthew 23:37) -  O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

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ELK - Symbolizes Strength and Stamina.  

Buffalo (Bison)

BUFFALO (BISON) -  The American buffalo has come to symbolize the Native American Culture.  It has also serves as a reminder of what greed can cost us, as we almost lost the American buffalo from our own irresponsibility. The symbolic meanings of the Buffalo include:  Provision, Gratitude, Abundance, Consistency, Strength, Stability, Blessing and Prosperity.

The White Buffalo is the considered incredibly Holy.   it is a huge sign of promise, and great prosperity is to come after sighting this regal creature.

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These coins have distinct meanings when left on the headstones of those who gave their life while serving in America's military, and these meanings vary depending on the denomination of coin.  A coin left on a headstone or at the grave site is meant as a message to the deceased soldier's family that someone else has visited the grave to pay respect.

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Stones or Pebbles

STONES OR PEBBLES LEFT ON HEADSTONES -  Symbolically, the stones can indicate many things; that love and remembrance are as strong and as lasting as a rock.  That as a stone lasts forever, so to does love.   Even a symbol that the deceased is with God, since the Old Testament refers to God as our rock.  The Jewish tradition of leaving a pebble or stone on top of a headstone signifies that someone has honored the deceased person's memory with a visit to the grave.

Improved Order of Red Men (IORM)

IMPROVED ORDER OF RED MEN (IORM) - It is a non-profit organization devoted to inspiring a greater love for the United Sates of America and the principles of American Liberty.  The Improved Order of Red Men claims direct descent from the Sons of Liberty, noting that the Sons participated in the Boston Tea Party dressed as Native Americans. Thus, they continue to dress as Native Americans and are organized into tribes and such.

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Public Hearing Notice


The City of Grove Mayor and Council will hold a Final Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, Room 5, 104 West 3rd Street, Grove, Oklahoma, 74344 to provide notice to the property owner and to fix reasonable dates for the commencement and completion of dismantling and removing the dilapidated buildings located at 1227 Red Bud Drive, Grove, OK.

Benge, John S.

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