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General Water Saving Tips

  • Be aware of and follow all water conservation and water shortage rules in effect in your community. Don’t assume — even if you get your water from a private well — that you need not observe good water use rules. Every drop counts.
  • Encourage your employer to promote water conservation in the workplace. Suggest that water conservation be put in employee orientation and training programs.

Water Conservation Tips

  • Inside your house, bathroom facilities claim nearly 75% of the water used
  • Never pour water down the drain when there may be another use for it such as watering a plant or garden, or for cleaning around your home.
  • Verify that your home is leak free. Many homes have hidden water leaks. Read your water meter before and after a two-hour period when no water is being used. If the meter does not read exactly the same, there is a leak.

Water Conservation Facts

The human body is more than three-quarters water. It's is essential to existence, not only for people, but for plants and animals as well.

It covers 70 percent of the earth's surface. At least 97 percent of the world's water is salty and undrinkable. Another two percent is polluted, polar ice, or otherwise inaccessible and undrinkable. That leaves approximately one percent for humans to use.

On a daily basis, the people of the United States, directly and indirectly, use more than 380 billion gallons, or approximately 1,668 gallons per person.

Water Treatment Process

Raw Water

The treatment process begins when raw water is pumped into the plant from a floating intake structure.


The Water Treatment Plant has two Flocculation/Sedimentation basins running parallel.   Each basins can treat up to 2.2 million gallons of water per day as the water passes through these stages:

Water Treatment History

More than six decades ago, the completion of the Pensacola Dam in Disney, OK created the Lake O’ the Cherokees, better known as “Grand Lake”. Before the completion of the mile-long, 15-story-tall dam that would impound the 1,672,000 acre feet body of water, an Intake structure was constructed at Honey Creek State Park on Grand Lake that provided water to the City’s Water Treatment Plant for over 60 years until 1994 when a new floating Raw Water Intake structure was built next to the “old intake structure” which made the old structure obsolete.

Water Treatment Plant Mission

Our goal at the Grove Water Treatment Plant is to produce an abundant supply of clean, safe potable water to the citizens of the City of Grove and to all of the many tourists that visit our City throughout the year. Over the past few years, the rules and regulations that govern water treatment operations have become more and more stringent. We have met these new challenges at the Grove Water Treatment Plant and taken all the necessary steps to comply with these new rulings and for the most part, we have exceeded them as well.

Water Treatment Plant Receives $8 million Face Lift

                                                            Aerial view of the GMSA Water Treatment Plant


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City Pool and Parks

Following is a list of city parks’ the Buildings and Grounds Departments maintains and operates:

Disc Golf Course - 7 acres

The newly constructed City of Grove 9-baskets (holes) Disc Golf Course is located along North Cherokee Street, adjacent to the Public Works Facility.

Disc golf is a fun game enjoyed by people of all ages.  The rules are very similar to regular golf.  There is a tee pad, fairway and a hole (basket).  The idea of the game is to throw the disc into the basket (hole) in as little throws as possible.

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Fire Department Meeting

Fire Department Meeting
