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Bruckner, Richard William

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Wiley, Donald L. & Geneva

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Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (B of LF&E)

BROTHERHOOD OF LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINEMEN -  The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (B of LF&E) was a North American railroad fraternal benefit society and trade union in the 19th and 20th Centuries. The organization began in 1873 as the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen (B of LF), a mutual benefit society for workers employed as firemen for steam locomotives, before expanding its name in 1907 in acknowledgement that many of its members had been promoted to the job of railroad engineer.

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Organ Donor (Heart and Rose in Cupped Hands)

HEART AND ROSE IN CUPPED HANDS (ORGAN DONOR) -  120,000 people are waiting for an organ transplant visit the following link for more information https://www.dmv.org/ok-oklahoma/organ-donor.php  

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IHS -   This is the true meaning of IHS, it is the first three letters of the Greek spelling of the Holy Name of Jesus.  The name “Jesus”, in Greek, is written  ιησους  which is transliterated as “ihsous” and pronounced  iēsous. This is the Holy Name as it was written in the Gospels.  However, in Hebrew, the name “Jesus” is written  ישוע  which is transliterated as “yeshu‘a” and pronounced yeshūa.

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Saint Michael

SAINT MICHAEL - Catholics often refer to Michael as "Holy Michael, the Archangel" or "Saint Michael", a title that does not indicate canonization. He is generally referred to in Christian litanies as "Saint Michael", as in the Litany of the Saints.  In the shortened version of this litany used in the Easter Vigil, he alone of the angels and archangels is mentioned by name, omitting Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael.  In the Roman Catholic teachings Saint Michael has four main roles or offices. 


ROOSTER -  Symbol meanings of the Rooster (cock or cockerel) are as vibrant and diverse as the rooster's plumage.

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OXEN - Represent patience and enduring strength.

KJV Proverbs 14:4 - Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.
