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GET THE FACTS - Who can VOTE on the Fire and Police Special Election Sept. 12

GET THE FACTS! Who can VOTE in the Grove Fire and Police Special Election on September 12? Per the Delaware County Election Board, only registered voters that reside in the City of Grove city limits may vote on the Special Election. Precincts 3, 4, 5, and 9 are the polling place for voters who reside in the city limits as well as voters who reside in Delaware County outside of Grove's city limits. The Voter's Registry at each polling place will identify eligible voters with the letters GROV and voters not eligible will be identified with the letters NONE.

Grove City Hall opens Cooling Station at 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. on Monday, June 19

The community rooms at Grove City Hall, 104 W. 3rd Street open at 1 p.m. until 8 p.m. today, June 19.  Residents of Grove that are without power are encouraged to 'get out of the heat' and 'into the cool'.  Cold bottled water will be available until it runs out.

If a 'Cooling Station' is needed tomorrow, hours of operation will be announced.  Check this website and the city's FB page for updated information.

If you have an emergency situation, call 911.


City Crews continue to pick up storm debris placed at curbside.

To allow residents adequate time to place storm debris at the curbside, making the clean-up more efficient,  city crews began picking up storm debris on Monday, June 26, it is estimated they have about three weeks of work left to complete the clean-up.  We ask residents to 'please be patient' our crews are working every day.

Place storm debris at the curbside in right-of-way; city crews are not allowed to go onto private property.   Crews will only pick up storm debris, please do not mix lumber, building materials, trash, plastic bags, etc with storm debris. 

Storm debris may be hauled to Wastewater Treatment Plant

Storm debris may be hauled to the Grove Wastewater Treatment Center on 284 Road off N Cherokee, opposite side of Cherokee and just before the bowling alley.  Only storm debris will be accepted, no lumber, trash, etc.
