Emergency Drill at Lower & Upper Elementary Schools on March 29

Thursday, March 29, Grove Public Schools, along with emergency services including police, fire, emergency management and EMS, will conduct a drill at the Lower and Upper Elementary Schools.

The drill will begin at approximately 12:30 p.m. and last about 2 hours.  Some students will be evacuated from the Lower and Upper Elementary Schools.

"We discourage people from coming to the campus' during the drill", said Grove Police Chief Mark Morris.  "All streets around the west campus' will be blocked by emergency personnel to allow busses through for evacuation and to allow emergency services access to the campus'."

This drill is important to test and train the response of the school staff and emergency services.  In the event of an actual situation advance training is vital.

Please remember starting at 12:30 p.m. and continuing for at least 2 hours the west campus' will be locked down with no access except to emergency responders, as we conduct this drill," Chief Morris said.