Sugar Maple trees are coming to Downtown Grove

oklahoma, grove, downtown

The Community Center lawn will soon be the home to beautiful Sugar Maple Trees; a minimum of six Sugar Maple trees will be planted to replace the diseased trees located on the lawn.

Sugar Maple Trees are a high quality, hardy and showy tree for smaller spaces.  Sugar Maples have been considered the King of Shade Trees due to beautiful form, strong wood and stunning fall colors.

The Sugar Maple sports handsome green leaf color and a compact upright form offering a nice mix of yellow, orange and red fall colors.

In addition, to the new trees being planted, the large oak tree located next to the Veteran's Memorial will be carved into a statue to honor our military.

The concrete slab that housed the ice skating rink this winter will be enlarged 15' on the south and 15' on the west side, and a shade structure will cover the slab.  The expanded area will be used year round to host downtown events, including Food Truck Fridays, Farmer's Market, Music Festivals, Race Boat Show and Shine, Car Shows, etc. Plus the expansion of the slab will enhance the ice skating rink providing a larger area for skating and making the rink a rectangular shape instead of square which will provide longer straight-aways for skaters.

The goal is to have the transformation of the Community Center Lawn completed before the spring and summer activities begin in downtown Grove.