Traveling Smithsonian at Har-Ber Village thru May 8

oklahoma, grove, grand lake, har-ber village, museum


Har-Ber Village Museum has been chosen as a host venue for the 2017 tour of the Smithsonian Institution’s exhibit, "The Way We Worked." The exhibit will be at the Museum March 24-May 8, 2017. Exhibit openings, book and film discussions and special school programs are all part of the offerings while the exhibit is at Har-Ber Village!

"The Way We Worked" exhibit has been made possible by the Oklahoma Humanities Council. Created by the National Archives, "The Way We Worked" exhibit is part of the Museum on Main Street collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and State Humanities Councils nationwide. Support for Museum on Main Street has been provided by the United States Congress. The Museum on Main Street program was developed for small town audiences and as a means to draw attention to those communities through local museums and historical societies.

Call 918-786-6446 for more information.