An issued permit becomes invalid if the work on the site authorized by the permit does not commence within 180 days of issuance, or if the work on the site is incomplete due to suspension or abandonment 180 days after the work commenced.  ALL PERMITS REQUIRE FINAL INSPECTION.  All accompanying documentation may be mailed or brought to Grove City Hall, 1201 NEO Loop, Grove, OK 74344, they may also be emailed to


1) It shall be unlawful to commence the construction or the excavation for the construction of any building or structure, including accessory buildings, or to commence the moving or alteration of any building, including accessory buildings, until the City of Grove Building Inspector has issued a building permit for such work.  No such building permit shall be issued for any building where said construction, moving, alteration or use thereof would be in violation of any provisions of these regulations.

2) FEES:  See FEE SCHEDULE. The application fee for a building permit in the City of Grove shall be established by the City Council and is subject to revisions by City Council.

3) Expiration of the Building Permit:  If the work described in a building permit has not begun within 180 days of issuance, or if the work on the site is incomplete due to suspension or abandonment 180 days after the work commenced said permit shall expire and be canceled by the Building Inspector, and written notice thereof shall be given to the persons affected.

4)Application:  There shall be submitted with each application for a building permit two (2) copies of a layout or plot plan drawn to scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact size and location of the lot of any existing buildings or structures, if any and the size and location of the building or structure to be constructed, altered or moved.  The application shall also state the existing or intended use of each such building or part of the building and supply such other information with regard to the lot and neighboring lots that may be necessary to determine compliance with and provide for the enforcement of these regulations.  One (1) copy of the plans shall be returned to the applicant by the Building Inspector, after he shall have marked such copy either as approved or disapproved and attest to same by his signature on such copy.  The second copy of the plans similarly marked, shall be retained by the Building Inspector.  The application for a building permit shall be made by the owner of the property concerned or a certified agent thereof.

The following is a general outline of drawings and documents necessary for plan review (Building Inspection may request additional information if necessary).  Two (2) copies of complete set of construction documents are required for Master records.

1) Floor Plan.  2) Roof Plan.  3) Exterior elevations.  4) Construction details.  5) Electrical Plan (may be combined with floor plan).  6)  Foundation/Slab Plan (Engineered foundation plan and details with legal descriptions, when applicable. Engineering letter for foundation design is required. This letter should include legal address, plan number and a statement that the foundation has been designed specifically for soils conditions of listed lot, when applicable.)  7)  Second floor framing plan.  8) Truss Plans.  9) Site Plan. (Must include all dimensions for building line, property line, etc. Scale: 1"=20'0").  10) Plat or survey of property. (Must show existing buildings at their exact locations including dimensions and sq footage.)  11) Driveway Right-of-way Permit.  12) Sewer Inspection Agreement and Waiver.

Documents indicating lot size, easements, building setbacks and existing buildings must be provided for staff review.  The specific size and location of the proposed structure and existing structures are critical factors in determining compliance with zoning and building codes and subsequently the issuance of a building permit.


SECTION 1: NEW CONSTRUCTION:  All residence or business service lines connected to GMSA sanitary sewer system after the effective date of this policy shall have a sewer clean-out and a back flow prevention device installed. Said device shall be determined by GMSA and shall be of sufficient size and quality to prevent back flow to individual residences or businesses. All back flow prevention devices shall be installed by a licensed plumber at the expense of the property owner and must be inspected by GMSA. The back flow prevention device shall be properly maintained and secured by said property owner.

Upon inspection by GMSA, proof of payment to a licensed plumber for installation of the sewer clean-out and back flow prevention device, and property owner signing a Sewer Inspection Agreement and Waiver, a one-time fifty dollar ($50.00) utility credit will be applied to the customer's bill.


Any residence or business existing prior to the effective date of this policy that has experienced a sanitary sewer back flow caused by blockage in the GMSA maintained sewer lines shall have a back flow prevention device installed by a licensed plumber at the property owner's expense within thirty (30) days of the backup. Said device shall be of sufficient size and quality to prevent back flow to individual residences or businesses. The back flow prevention device shall be property maintained and secured by said property owner.

Upon inspection by GMSA, proof of payment to a licensed plumber for installation of the device, and property owner signing a Sewer Inspection Agreement and Waiver, a one-time fifty dollar ($50.00) utility credit will be applied to the customer's bill.  If a sewer clean-out is not readily available on the service line, the property owner shall be required to install the clean-out, at the property owner's expense, prior to a credit being assessed.


Any residences or businesses located in an area of the City of Grove that has a history of sanitary sewer back flows, as determined by GMSA caused by blockage in the GMSA maintained sewer lines shall have a back flow prevention device installed by a licensed plumber at the property owner's expense within thirty (30) days of written notice from GMSA. Said device shall be of sufficient size and quality to prevent back flow to individual residences or businesses. The back flow prevention device shall be properly maintained and secured by said property owners.

Upon inspection by GMSA, proof of payment to a licensed plumber for installation of the device, and property owner signing a Sewer Inspection Agreement and Waiver, a one time fifty dollar ($50.00) utility credit will be applied to the customer's bill.  If a sewer clean-out is not readily available on the service line, the property owner shall be required to install the clean-out, at the property owner's expense, prior to a credit being assessed.


Existing residences or business owners who have not previously experienced a sanitary sewer back flow or are not located in any area that has a history of sanitary sewer overflows may install a back flow prevention device. Said device shall be installed by a licensed plumber and shall be of sufficient size and quality to prevent back flow to individual residences or businesses. The back flow prevention device shall be properly maintained and secured by said property owner.

Upon inspection by GMSA, proof of payment to a licensed plumber for installation of the device, and property owner signing a Sewer Inspection Agreement and Waiver, a one-time fifty dollar ($50.00) utility credit will be applied to the customer's bill. If a sewer clean-out is not readily available on the service line, the property owner shall be required to install a clean-out, at the property owner's expense, prior to a credit being assessed.


Failure by property owners to comply with this Policy shall:

  • Result in water and sewer services being withheld; and
  • Exempt the City of Grove and Grove Municipal Services Authority from all liability in the event of a sanitary sewer overflow


Any residence or business that has a GRINDER PUMP SYSTEM shall be exempt from installing a sewer clean-out and back flow prevention device.

PASSED AND APPROVED by GMSA Board on the 15th day of March 2016.

Sq Ft
This includes any Outside Covered Area's
Gmsa: Well: Other:
GMSA: Well:
Fire Alarms Required
Fire Sprinkler Required
General Contractors Phone Number including Area Code (if applicable)
Electrical Contractors Business Name (if applicable)
Electrical Contractors Phone Number including area code (if applicable)
Mechanical Contractors First and Last Name (if applicable)
Mechanical Contractors Business Name (if applicable)
Mechanical Contractors Phone Number including area code (if applicable)
Plumbing Contractors Business Name (if applicable)
Plumbing Contractors Phone Number including area code (if applicable)
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